Flying Free

Flying Free

Sunday, July 12, 2020

To Mask or Not to Mask

So, there is a lot of controversy as to whether or not you should wear a mask in public.  To me, the answer is simple.  Yes, you should wear a mask.  Not to protect you but to protect me.  A surgeon wears a mask when he is operating to protect the patient, not necessarily himself.  What if the surgeons decided tomorrow that they will no longer wear a mask during procedures because it is his right not to do so and it is so cumbersome.  Now, you might say that surgery is higher risk because of the open wounds that the surgeon is operating on; but we have open areas too.  We have a nose, a mouth and eyes, all portals for infection.  

Wearing a mask may not be comfortable but it is the right thing to do.  Recently, Governor DeWine has made the wearing of masks in Trumbull County mandatory.  As a law-abiding citizen it is your duty to wear a mask; it is the law.  If you don't wear a mask in public, are you any better than anyone that breaks the law?  No!  You are just the same.  What would be worse is if the people we elected to up hold the law are not "policing" the mask law just as seriously as they would police anyone who is breaking the law.  

Now, you might say that if I don't like that other people are not wearing masks that I should just stay home.  I say, if you don't want to wear a mask, which is the law, then YOU should stay home, not me.  If the truth be told, I wish nobody had to wear a mask.  I wish that Covid-19 didn't exist or that is was already well into our past; but it isn't.  It is here and we must protect the ones we love (and the ones we don't even know) by wearing a mask, washing our hands, and keeping a social distance.  It's should be our new normal for right now.  It should be your new normal for right now.

Wearing a mask is inconvenient.  Wearing it right is apparently even more inconvenient.  Remember wearing your mask on your chin is not helping anyone, you should just not wear one if you are wearing it like that.  Also, if your nose is exposed, you're still able to spread disease.  Particles come out of your nose too.

Please, to protect me and to protect the ones I love, wear a mask.  I wear one for you, even if you don't care that I do.  


  1. I'm so sorry that I missed your birthday a cpl days ago! I do hope it was a good one.

    And, YES, I wear my masks religiously!!!

    Many hugs! <3
