Flying Free

Flying Free

Thursday, January 28, 2021


 This is a picture of me and my dog Roscoe.  I posted that picture to get  you to look my way.  Most people don't read posts that don't have a picture so that is my token picture.   This post is not about me really; it's about life and my view of it.  

In my life there has been three political "flashbulb" moments.  The first was the assassination of President Kennedy and the second was the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers.  I can remember exactly what I was doing when I heard the news of each event.  It's not either of those events that I want to talk about.  What I want to talk about is the storming of the Capitol; my third "flashbulb" moment.  

I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched protestors turn into an angry mob of rioters spurred on by President Trump words.  Trump offered to march down to the Capitol with them but he didn't, he was safe within the walls of the Oval Office watching the action on TV like the rest of Americans.  He watched as the rioters stormed through the doors of the Capitol building and chanted that it was Pence's hanging that they wanted.  He could have stopped things from progressing.  These rioters were his supporters out for a good day of lynching and pilfering information and he could have [probably] stopped them with his words.  All he needed to do was tell them to "stand down" like he has said before.  He needed to speak as the President of the United States that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated.  Instead, We The People created a monster who can't be controlled.  This coup attempt of his was defeated, thank goodness, but I fear his reign is not over.  Power spurs him on; power, like lightening courses through his veins.  He does not resign well; he does not take defeat well.  Unfortunately, he is a "movement" that may be overtaking half our population.